What is Employer Branding in Recruiting?
Abstractly, we’re all familiar with employer brand. It’s the culture that defines our workdays: The offer of help from a teammate, the time at which you shut your laptop, the satisfaction (or lack thereof) you derive from a day of hard work.
To offer a more concrete definition, employer branding is how organizations represent themselves to job seekers, their employees, and the overall market. A powerful tool, an employer brand can attract and engage talent in a personable way through strategic and creative communications.
While some may believe that the goal of employer branding in recruiting is to build awareness, and that is certainly part of it, the main goal is to position your organization as an employer of choice.
What does an investment in employer brand do for you?
While this may strike some as sentimental, the investment in employer branding matters for reasons beyond employer contentedness. This cornerstone recruitment strategy creates more stable workforces, enhances value (in some cases!), and makes a notable difference in recruiting costs.
Organizations that effectively deliver on their EVP can decrease annual employee turnover by 69% (Gartner)

Good employer branding creates a positive windfall for the rest of your recruiting strategy. Authentically sharing your employer brand leads to more informed candidates. This cuts down key recruitment metrics like time-to-fill and creates a more positive experience for candidates, recruiters, and hiring managers.
Employer Brand is how people experience working at your company.
Employer Value Proposition is what is offered in return for that work.